
The Best Desk Height For Gaming

Those who spend extended amounts of time gaming can benefit from choosing an ideal desk height to reduce stress and promote healthy body positions. An appropriate gaming desk height ensures your eyes are level with the monitor screen while your elbows and wrists remain in an ergonomically correct posture.

Mismatching gaming desk height can alter your posture and lead to neck and shoulder discomfort, impeding game playing performance and impairing overall enjoyment.

Monitor Height

Gaming can be an enjoyable activity for hours on end, but if your desk isn’t set up correctly it could cause strain to your body. The optimal gaming desk height depends on if it allows you to sit or stand with elbows at 90-degree angles with both table and armrests (i.e. in a straight position).

Your monitor should be just the right height so as to prevent strain on both eyes and neck. A too low monitor could force you to look down, straining your eyes. A monitor that is too high could force you to tilt forward with your head – something which could strain both of these parts.

Many individuals find the best results when using a peripheral monitor setup consisting of two side-by-side monitors that are angled towards them, taking up less space than one straight line monitor would and helping reduce eye fatigue.

Monitor Depth

As a PC gamer, monitor depth is a vital consideration. This determines how far away from your screen you can sit without straining; furthermore, it has an effect on posture and can reduce eye fatigue, so take the time to set up your gaming desk properly.

Ideal monitor height should be within arm’s length from you, with the top of the screen at eye level. This ensures you won’t need to tilt your head down or up in order to view it and thus reducing neck strain; additionally, your elbows will rest at an easy 90-degree angle while using keyboard and mouse.

The average sitting desk height ranges between 29″ and 30″, making it suitable for most individuals but may be unsuitable for you. Don’t worry! Your local Bassett store’s design experts can assist with finding a desk height tailored specifically to meet your body measurements.

Armrest Height

As a gamer, you understand the significance of gaming ergonomics. Making simple changes such as adjusting desk height can greatly reduce stress on your body while playing.

Your eye level should be around the upper third of the screen when looking directly at it. This helps minimize back and neck strain while protecting you from staring too closely at the screen, which could cause headaches or eye fatigue.

When selecting a gaming desk, take note of its armrest height as well. Achieve an optimum armrest height allows your elbows to rest at an ergonomic 90-degree angle without straining your shoulders; keep in mind that this position remains true regardless of whether or not you’re sitting or standing up at it.

Armrest Depth

Armrest depth should be tailored specifically for PC gaming desks in order to prevent leaning forward and creating pain in shoulders and neck areas. This feature is especially important if PC gamers tend to sit back frequently while gaming; having comfortable armrest depth prevents leaning forward from leading to shoulder or neck strain.

The ideal gaming desk height for someone 5’8″ to 5’10” is between 28 and 30 inches, which is suitable for most individuals between 5’8″ to 5’10”. But this may not be suitable for some individuals: too low a desk may force arching the back in order to sit upright; too high may force tilting your head upwards instead.

An ideal gaming desk must feature an adjustable armrest depth, so you can move it either inwards or outwards according to your comfort level. Furthermore, its 3D armrest should allow for further adjustments by height, width, depth and angle so you can position it appropriately for your torso height.